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プライドの高い人 / She has a huge ego. He's too.

▼ The English text is below.



















I believe that people who are proud can be divided into two types of qualities.

Those who have a well-founded confidence and pride in themselves, understanding that they have a wealth of knowledge, experience, ability, etc.

The other is a competitive person who comes from low self-esteem. A person who thinks he or she is always right and does not accept advice or counsel from others (often taking advice or counsel as criticism of himself or herself, which can be hurtful).

In the latter case, because they think they are right (although they are easily hurt by criticism), they tend to criticize others who cannot do as well as they do, and may have difficulty learning and realizing spiritual lessons from things. As a result, they tend to have a narrow perspective.

Also, since they have a habit of perceiving others' feelings only from their own perspective, it seems that it is difficult for them to think from the other person's standpoint.

The latter type of person with a high level of pride may take some time to raise their level of spirituality. Depending on the person's will, the time required to raise the level of spirituality will differ depending on whether the person takes liberation at the soul level by raising the level of spirituality or by protecting the pride (the latter one), which is unnecessary by nature.

As we increase our spirituality, the soul level will gradually increase, but in order to move in such a direction, we must let go of all kinds of energy, including more and even one more idea, habit, past emotion, or feeling. This is true.

Nothing happens in the way that many people like to think, “I don't have to do anything to be liberated. You may feel good for a very short period of time, but deep in the heart, there still remains the energies, notions, patterns, etc. from the past. Nothing has fundamentally changed.

The latter type of “prideful person” is often a person with strong past traumas. It may be fair to say that there are few exceptions to this. And most of them have lost their self-confidence due to past hurtful experiences or some other experience. The lack of self-confidence is the reason for their pride. It is thought that they are unconsciously protecting themselves from deeply hurtful experiences. Therefore, if there is no trauma, they may not be “prideful people” by nature. This is the major difference between the former and the former prideful person. The former prideful person understands that he/she has a lot of knowledge, experience, ability, etc., and has a well-founded confidence and firm pride in himself/herself.

A traumatized person may lack self-confidence and be unable to step outside the enclosure they have created for themselves. This may come from vulnerability. They are unable to face the fact that there are negative notions and other things inside of them that they need to let go of. Because if you know that such things are inside you, you will be hurt. And because they are afraid of being hurt, they are also unconsciously afraid of change. We are proud, but it is a fictional confidence. Perhaps confidence is a fiction, though.

A confident person is someone who truly loves himself or herself. And such a person is able to face the negative thoughts and patterns within him or herself that need to be let go of. Of course, as human beings, we may feel self-loathing or depressed when we unexpectedly find such things in ourselves. However, since we can accept such things in ourselves as they are, we can face them while taking our time. Being able to accept oneself with negative things while feeling self-loathing means that one is truly facing oneself, and one can only do so if one truly loves oneself.

And such a person has high vibrations. This is because they face and talk to themselves daily, and they are letting go of past energies that they no longer need, and ideas, habits, and patterns that block the flow of energy. Just by facing yourself, you are letting go of these things. Then the energy of the mind becomes lighter, and the aura reflects that, so the energy of the aura becomes lighter as well. And if the vibrations go up in that way, they will remain high.

I have seen many people in my sessions who are very proud, and I have seen many people who are competitive, which comes from low self-esteem. In many cases, people who think they are always right and do not accept advice or suggestions from others (they often take advice or suggestions as criticism of themselves and get hurt) have a hard time clearing their consciousness, but if they are conscious of the things I have written here (even though they may not like it...), they will be able to face themselves. If you are aware of the things I have written here (even though you may not like them...) and try to face yourself, it will be easier to make progress in clearing your consciousness.

What is the benefit of making the clearing process easier? You may think, “What is the benefit of making the clearing process easier? You will be able to live more comfortably because you will not be tied down by anything. Since your energy load is reduced, your aura energy will always be full and healthy, and it will become easier and more enjoyable to create your ideal future. Naturally, you will be able to achieve your goals and realize your desires more quickly, and you will be able to achieve your big goals and desires more easily, so there are many good things to come.



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