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プライドの高い人 / She has a huge ego. He's too.

▼ The English text is below.


















I think people with pride can generally be divided into two types.

One type understands their own knowledge, skills, or experience and has a well-founded sense of confidence. They’re genuinely proud of who they are and what they’ve accomplished.

The other type, however, tends to be prideful due to low self-esteem, often rooted in a sense of competitiveness. These people always believe they’re right and resist advice or suggestions from others. They tend to see any advice as criticism, which can easily hurt their feelings.

For people in the second category, this sense of being “always right” often leads to a critical view of others who might not meet their own standards. As a result, they may miss out on learning and personal insights that come from life experiences, which can also narrow their perspective.

Additionally, they often interpret others’ feelings only from their own point of view, which makes it hard for them to truly empathize with someone else’s perspective.

People with this kind of pride often find it challenging to grow spiritually. Depending on their own motivation, they may either work toward inner growth and freeing their soul or choose to protect a form of pride that’s ultimately unnecessary. The time it takes them to progress varies depending on this choice.

To grow spiritually, one needs to release limiting beliefs, ingrained habits, and old emotions and memories—little by little, as much as possible. This is simply a fact.

Many people want to believe that healing and growth can happen without any effort on their part, but this approach doesn’t really change anything. It might bring some brief comfort, but the deeper, unresolved issues, beliefs, and patterns remain intact, leaving the root of the problem untouched.

Often, those who are highly prideful because of past trauma have been deeply hurt in the past. There may be very few exceptions to this. Most of these individuals lost confidence due to some past experience, and this lack of self-confidence is precisely what fuels their pride. They’re likely protecting themselves from further hurt, even if it’s an unconscious reaction. Without those past traumas, they might not have developed this type of pride at all. This is what mainly separates them from the first type. Those in the first category are aware of their strengths and have a solid foundation of genuine self-confidence.

People carrying trauma often lack confidence, which prevents them from stepping outside their own self-imposed boundaries. This may come from a fear of getting hurt. They struggle to face the limiting beliefs or negative patterns within themselves because acknowledging these would be painful. Since they fear this pain, they also end up fearing change, even if only unconsciously. While they may seem confident, this confidence is often only a facade, and perhaps their “self-confidence” itself is somewhat illusory.

People who are genuinely self-confident truly love themselves. They’re able to face any negative beliefs or patterns within and let them go. Of course, like anyone else, they might feel self-doubt or discouragement when they confront these parts of themselves, but they’re capable of accepting their own flaws as they work through them. The ability to accept even the negative parts of oneself shows true self-awareness and self-love.

Such people have a high vibration. By regularly reflecting and releasing the energies, beliefs, or habits that no longer serve them, their inner energy becomes lighter, which is reflected in their aura. This higher vibration is stable and lasting.

In my experience with clients over the years, I’ve found that people in the second type—those whose pride stems from low self-esteem and a resistance to outside input—often have difficulty with self-clearing or inner growth. However, if they can push through and start facing themselves in the ways I mentioned here, self-clearing can become much easier.

You might wonder why clearing is beneficial, but it genuinely improves your life. It frees you from burdens, making life easier and more enjoyable. With less energetic weight, your aura stays healthy and full, which makes it easier to create the future you want. Naturally, it speeds up your goals and dreams, making even your biggest aspirations feel more attainable and exciting. In short, it brings countless benefits.



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