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自分ひとりで解決しようと試みる場合でも、問題の表面的な部分に焦点を当てがちになり、根本原因を見落としてしまったり、 解決策の視野が狭くなってしまったり、解決策を見つけるのに苦労することがあります。また、ひとりで悩んでいる時は、通常よりも孤独感を感じやすくなり、小さな障害に遭遇したときに挫折しやすくなりがちです。何か達成したい願望がある時でも、目標を設定する際、それが漠然としていたり、現実的ではなかったり、なかなかやる気を起こせずに、一歩を踏み出したり、行動できないままになってしまうことがあります。


























Psychic Reading & Coaching


Do you remember anything like what is described here? Do you remember minor stresses that occur in daily life, anxiety about the future, pressure from work or roles, pressure related to love or marriage, difficulty in achieving your desires, communication difficulties with family or partner, problems with friends, stress in relationships at work, chronic The effects of illness or injury, lack of self-confidence, doubts about one's abilities and value, worries about setting and achieving goals, career stagnation, anxiety about changing jobs or taking on new challenges, hesitations about values and decision-making....


If this sounds familiar, how do you respond to these worries, problems, challenges, and unfulfilled desires?


For those who are able to solve everything on their own, it is good because they can overcome the barriers of their problems without difficulty, but for those who are not, their consciousness and emotions are stuck in the same place all the time, they are emotionally exhausted, their brain and heart are full to capacity, and their energy is greatly depleted for their daily activities. This can be a major drain on your energy for daily activities.


Even when attempting to solve a problem on your own, you may tend to focus on the superficial aspects of the problem, overlooking the root cause, narrowing your view of the solution, and struggling to find a solution. Also, when we are struggling alone, we tend to feel more alone than usual and are more likely to fall behind when we encounter small obstacles. Even when we have a desire to accomplish something, when we set a goal, it may be vague, unrealistic, or difficult to motivate ourselves to take the first step or take action.


This Breakthrough Psychic Reading and Coaching session is designed to help you uncover your inner answers, support you in finding solutions to your concerns, challenges, and problems, encourage you to recognize and accept your potential, and promote your desires and self-realization. The session is a psychic reading session by accessing the deep part of the aura, but it also incorporates a coaching style in part to help you to realize your “I want to do this! I will draw out your energy to create your future and your desire to do so.


I like the creative energy of people who want to create their own future. And I always want to be connected with people who have that kind of awareness. I will sincerely help those who are willing to create their own future, to get the situation they want from their soul and to live their life as they wish.


For those who are interested in this session

The foundation of the laws of the universe is that “you create your own future. The aura of a person who has no desire or will reflects nothing.


Also, even if you have a desire, you need active consciousness to realize it. If there is some kind of block in the back of your consciousness, or if what you are thinking in your head and what you are thinking deep in your heart are completely opposite, the future is not reflected in your aura, so you cannot see the future, or even if it is reflected, you are thinking different things deep in your heart, so it is difficult to realize your desires. Even if the future is reflected in the aura, it may go in a different direction from what was seen, or things may go in a different direction from what is desired.


These are conditions that require healing prior to a reading. If you are very anxious about things or your future, we recommend that you have a healing first before you have a reading.


Healing to adjust the vibrations of the aura


Please apply for a reading after you have read and understood the above.


If you always blame others (other people or the environment), if you always complain, or if you have no compassion for others, please do not apply for a reading or any other sessions, as your energy does not match with mine at all. Please understand that you are creating your own future.

Please understand that you are creating your own future.
For all sessions, we ask that you ask questions within the time allotted. Sessions are not extended, but if you wish to ask questions beyond the time allotted, an extension fee will be charged. For our mutual benefit, we do not offer any kind of service for the extra time, such as answering your questions overtime. This is out of respect for the “law of balance” of the universe. We will say “Fat minutes left” 30 minutes and 10 minutes before the end of the session, so please ask your questions accordingly. We will do our best to answer your questions in a timely manner.


セッション形式: Skype/お電話
1セッションにかかる時間: 1時間30分
​セッション料金: 55000円

Session Format: Skype / Phone
Time per session: 1 hour 30 minutes
Session Fee: 55,000 yen

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