雪 花 院 ひ か り
M a r g a r e t
・読み方「ゆきのはな ひかり」
ここに来るまでの流れ 幼少の頃から霊能力が開いておりましたが、おそらく私の祖母や母が未来予知をするようなタイプだったのと、兄弟姉妹も霊感が強いため、もしかしたらこの霊能力は遺伝のようなものなのかもしれません。そのため、子供の頃から様々な不思議体験をして来ました。何十年も前に観てもらった占い師さんに「まあ!あなた、霊界の扉を開けっ放しで日常を過ごしているみたいなチャートを持っているわね!(つまり、そういう運命みたいな)」と言われて、興味津々に私の霊能力について尋ねられたこともあります。言ってみれば、生まれながらにこの能力を持ってしまったということなのかもしれません。しかし、自分の中ではこの能力を持っていることをなかなか認めることが出来ず、人に知られたくないという思いが強かったので、今も仲良くさせてもらっている学生時代の同級生たちの誰にも伝えずに来ました。私が隠していても、会社などで毎日を一緒に過ごしている周りの人々は、次第に何かを察するのでしょうね。いつどこにいても、気がつけば周りの人々の相談に乗るという流れになってしまうのでした。その流れのお陰で、会社員時代から数え切れないほど、今のこの仕事に向かって行くための経験を積むことが出来たので、心から感謝しております。これは、企業でいうところの「インターンシップ」のようなものですね。
How I got here I have had psychic abilities since I was a child. My grandmother and mother were the type who could foretell the future, and my brothers and sisters are also psychic, so perhaps this psychic ability is a kind of genetic trait. As a result, I have had many strange experiences since childhood. Decades ago, a fortune teller I saw said to me, “Well! You have a chart that looks like you spend your daily life with the door to the spirit world open! (I mean, it's like that's your destiny.)” He was curious about my psychic abilities. In a way, it may be that I was born with this ability. However, I could not easily admit to myself that I have this ability, and I did not want people to know about it, so I did not tell any of my classmates from my school days, with whom I am still very close. Even if I kept it a secret, people around me who I spend time with every day at work would probably gradually figure out what was going on. No matter when or where I was, I found myself consulting with the people around me. Thanks to this flow, I have gained countless hours of experience since my days as a company employee to go towards this job I have now, for which I am truly grateful. This is like an “internship” in the corporate world.
The first time I got to work on spiritual matters in earnest was when I completely tore three ligaments in my dominant leg. I had been unable to go outside for months and had so much free time that I had the urge to go out somewhere. When I was able to walk a little with crutches, I found a “spiritual aromatherapy course” on the Internet, about a five-minute walk from my home! I wanted to do something! I decided to attend the course. At the aromatherapy practice, I had an experience that when I touched the body of the person who was practicing on me, I could see various information about that person one after another. The person who was practicing was surprised that I was able to guess what he or she was feeling, but I was like, “How can you see so many things? I was the most surprised myself. Even though I was not interested in aromatherapy, I had learned aromatherapy at that time, so I posted on my blog that I was going to offer aromatherapy sessions, and suddenly many people came to receive my aromatherapy sessions. Thanks to my most trusted friend who introduced me to many people, word of mouth spread rapidly, and from the very first month I started offering sessions, I was inundated with reservations, and this spiritual work, which could be called my mission, began. I am deeply grateful to everyone who came to me as a novice and to my friends who introduced me to various people.
For a while after I started this work, I did spiritual aromatherapy sessions and psychic readings, but I also learned a lot about healing and therapy. I think I learned all kinds of healing and therapy techniques. I would use whatever technique suited my energy at the time to apply my skills to the session. In the spring of 2013, my body suddenly changed. One day my body stopped accepting what it used to be able to eat, which was strange because a week before I had eaten the same food and it was fine. I thought, “That's strange. Interestingly, the foods that my body stopped accepting were all the foods that people who practice Zen, yoga, etc. are told not to eat.
Another interesting thing is that around the same time my body suddenly stopped accepting those foods, my psychic sensors started opening up even more than before, It was really hard. This was really hard. It seems that even psychics are not able to see everything with psychic vision, and the range of vision differs from person to person, such as being able to see spirit-related things but not the future, being able to channel but not past lives, or being sensitive to vibrations but not being able to catch aura information. In my case, over the years since the fall of 2015, all channels of the psychic world have opened up rapidly, and in 2024, my psychic sensors are still becoming more acute. Also, shortly before I began this work, I had been working on releasing the energy blockages (ideas and blocks) in my mind and consciousness, and as my psychic abilities opened up further after 2015, I worked more intensively on this work. As my psychic sensors became more sensitive, I felt compelled to let go of ideas and blocks that I had held on to since birth until that moment. Holding on to these things made me feel a “very heavy weight” in my aura that I didn't know what it was, and I didn't feel comfortable with it.
Thinking back to 2012, a close friend of mine who is a fortune teller and has psychic abilities looked at me and said, “It seems you have a period of training ahead of you. I think you have a mission. So, good luck!” I once said to him. Another psychic who came to a gathering with friends in the same profession looked at me and said, “Hikari-san, you are about to enter a period of training.” I asked him, “Why do I have to go through training? I asked him. He said, “I think you have a role to play, so I don't have a choice. It seems that even among psychics, those who are assigned to a certain role are sometimes given a period of training...” I replied. Also, last year, my husband suddenly said. My husband suddenly said, “Grandma told me right after we got married that he (I mean me) would have to go through a period of spiritual practice, and that I should watch over him.” It has already been several decades since we got married, but this is the first time I have heard such a thing. My husband's family is a family of shrines and temples that have been in the family for generations since the Kamakura period, and his grandmother was a spiritualist. Given all of this, I knew that the turbulent years since 2013 or 2015 were a period of spiritual training for me. And here we are now. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who have supported me so far and for being able to work in this way. I look forward to your continued support.
What I have learned so far
National NLP (Trainer) / Core Transformation Trainers Training / Tuning Fork Therapy (Teacher) / Flower Essence (Teacher) / Assertiveness Training (Trainer) / Regressive Hypnosis / Gestalt Therapy / Kinesiology / French Style Aroma Essential Oil Healing / English Aromatherapy / Aromatherapy & Massage for Pets (Advisor) / Raindrops / Vital Flex / Neuro Auricular / Aroma Reading / EFT / Crystal Healing / Gem Therapy / Aroma Enlightenment Body Alignment / Matrix Level 3 / Contemporary Reiki (Teacher) / Quantum Touch Healing Level 2 / Energy Bodywork / Theta Healing (Basic & Applied, Anatomy, Instructor Level up to World) / Tarot Readings (Major Arcana & Minor Tarot reading (Major & Minor Arcana, Camoin Tarot, Lenormand Tarot, various oracle cards) / Western Astrology / Qigong Therapy / Other physical subjects such as brain waves, sound and body frequencies.
Talent is the ability to connect with something greater than yourself.
One day, the ability that I have had since childhood was enhanced and a new door was opened for me to connect to a realm that could be called the root of everything. I am now able to connect with my Higher Self, guardian beings, and higher dimensional beings, and I receive various information in the form of messages every day.
I know in advance when a typhoon is going to hit or an earthquake is going to occur.
I do not have asthma, but I can tell when there is an earthquake by my physical senses and intuition, and when there is a typhoon by the vibrations. I can tell when a typhoon is about to hit by pointing my sensor toward the ocean, and I can feel the ocean and the atmosphere rushing by my senses.
I can see spirits.
In this case, the “dimension” is reduced and we can see the spirits of the living and the spirits of the dead with the naked eye. Sometimes they appear as a person wearing clothing, sometimes as a blue light, a black-and-white shadow, or a steam-like blur. We can also understand the case of animal spirits. However, the world of spirits is of a very low dimensionality, so we refrain from focusing on them except for requests for Johrei, so please refrain from asking questions or talking about spirits out of curiosity.
I can understand the energy of objects and places.
We can detect the energy of the object itself, the spirit that possesses the object, and the energy of the person who is inadvertently attached to the object. We can also purify the energy of objects and people.
I can also detect the energy of a person.
I can detect the state of the energy emitted by a person. We can also detect if a person is possessed. (We do not tell if a person is possessed or not, unless you want a cleansing of evil spirits.)
I can see things in all dimensions.
There may be a widespread perception that psychics see only the dimension where spirits exist, but in fact, they are not limited to that. In my case, after a certain period of time, I was able to connect to a higher dimension (the cosmic consciousness dimension - the realm of nothingness) or a parallel dimensional universe. Sometimes information automatically comes down from that dimension. This is a world that cannot be described in words.
I can see into people's minds.
We can understand what people are thinking. I am sorry to say, but I can easily see when what is in a person's mind is contrary to what they are saying, or when the situation differs from the surface to the reverse side of the person. So please don't hide anything from me.
I can read people's unconscious.
I can read the energy that lies deeper than usual in the depths of a person's psyche and unconsciousness. This sensor can also read what is blocking attraction and future creation.
We can tell a person's personality and feelings by his/her photograph and name.
We can tell a person's personality by looking at his or her photograph. We can also tell how a person is feeling, but please be aware that feelings are very fluid and are not absolute.
I can see my aura.
I can see my energy. You can see the white light that accumulates around your eyes and the light that comes from your body with the naked eye. You cannot see the color of another person's aura with the naked eye, but you can see the color of their aura with your sense of touch (psychic sensor).
I can understand other people's aura.
We cannot see the color of another person's aura, but we can see the energy of the aura itself. You cannot see the color of another person's aura, but you can see the energy of the aura itself, and you can also see the nature of that energy in detail.
Prediction of the future
Often we can see a little bit into the future. It could be tomorrow, a few hours from now, or six months from now. Often I can see other people's futures, but often their guardian spirits do not show them to me. Clients often tell me that what they were told in the session came true (actualized). The period of time varies from a few months to a year, two years, ten years, and so on. If the person has no plan or will (vision), there is nothing in the aura, so there is nothing I can catch.
I can see past lives.
I am not sure if past lives actually exist or not, but I can see images that seem to be past lives coming out of a person's aura one after another. I see images that look like past lives coming out of a person's aura one after another.
I can do what is called channeling. I have never contacted aliens, but I can receive very detailed messages from guardian spirits (spiritual guides), Higher Self (higher self), ascended masters, and souls. Recently, I have been receiving more and more messages from beings who can tell me various things.
Messages from natural objects
I can catch messages by channeling plants, animals, and minerals such as natural stones.
I can see the cause of your problems.
I can see the root cause of your problems. For example, “When I was about 4 years old, my mother did this to me and I became like this. When we tell this to our clients, most of them say that such a thing actually happened. By telling the client about it, and then giving a more in-depth interpretation, the client's block may come off, and a cathartic effect may occur.
Detecting Pregnancy Quickly
We often detect pregnancy when the client is not sure if she is pregnant or not, or when she does not even know she is pregnant. In some cases, it is detected in the very early stages of pregnancy (when a positive or negative pregnancy test may or may not occur).
I can tell which part of the body is malfunctioning.
We can tell which part of the body is not in good shape when we see it. (This session menu is not available at this time.)
We do not allow any questions related to readings in our healing sessions. We also do not accept requests for control over others, contact with the deceased, or psychic photography. We also do not give answers regarding trends in stock prices or investments. We would like to help our clients create the future they desire.