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結婚のご縁や結婚生活に影響している先祖のエネルギー / Strongly Influencing Your Marriage? Ancestral Energies Showing Up in Various Patterns

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I once had a group of men in their 30's who asked me about their spouses. One of these men, Mr. A, was in talks to marry a woman he was dating at the time, but they broke up and he married a woman he met a few years later and they have a peaceful family.

The woman Mr. A. dated before his current wife was, from his point of view, the type of woman he liked, but whether he would be able to spend a long time with her in life? However, when he thought about whether he could spend a long time with her, he felt a little uncomfortable, and he broke up with her because he felt uncomfortable about marrying her. Then, some time later, he met a woman who was not the type of person he liked, but he felt no discomfort at all about spending time with her for the rest of his life; in fact, he felt it was natural, and he married her.

Mr. A has a happy family, but even before he got married, he said that he did not want to be like his father in terms of "marriage. She felt this way because of the relationship between her parents, and she disliked her father's attitude toward her mother and toward her.

But some time after they were married, Mr. A. suddenly realized that he was behaving like his father toward his wife. Am I becoming like my father? He said, "I have never had such an attitude toward a partner before marriage or during a relationship. This is probably a genetic trait of temperament.

Mr. A. is a civil servant. He said, "I am thinking of making my wife the mainstay of our family and quitting my job to work on the farm. I asked her about her father's family and it seems that his father was laid back and his mother worked hard and earned a lot of money as if she was the mainstay of the family. In addition, Mr. A's grandfather and grandmother followed the exact same pattern. Their grandmother worked long hours and earned so much money that she even built a house out of her own earnings. In fact, Mr. A's grandfather was also a government employee who quit his job and started farming after he got married. While we were talking, Mr. A. himself came to himself and said, "If that is the case, then I am not only the same as my father, but also the same as my grandfather. The reason why Mr. A. did not want to be like his father and grandfather was because his family had a strong male-dominated society, where grandmothers and mothers were not only the breadwinners, but also left all the housework and child-rearing to women. For Mr. A, who is now in his 30s and has the value system that "a man who can do the housework and cooking is cooler," there is nothing but discomfort. She probably wants to be that way, too.

In terms of the transmission of attitudes and behavior patterns, I think that the father, who grew up watching his grandfather, picked up his grandfather's energy patterns of attitude, behavior, and thought, and passed them on from his father to Mr. A. However, Mr. A may be different about his job. I recently learned that your grandfather had left his job as a government employee to work in agriculture. In other words, without knowing it, he was going to follow the same path as his grandfather: "My wife will be the main breadwinner, so I'll quit my government job and go into farming. I will quit my job as a government official and start farming. Is that the work of genetic energy? You could say that it is the energy that we have unconsciously inherited from our ancestors.

Looking at Mr. A's aura, it is clear that he is suited for farming, but it seems difficult for him to make a living from it. I told him that it would be better for him to make farming his life's work in addition to his job. Maybe Mr. A's grandfather had the same pattern. This is just speculation. I believe that farming will keep Mr. A's aura energy in good condition, and I am sure that it will be realized in a good way.

I also think that maybe the story of Queen Camilla of England is also an energy that has been passed down unconsciously from our ancestors? I think so. Queen Camilla was the mistress of King Charles for a long time, and her great-grandmother was also the mistress of King Charles' great-grandfather. So great-grandmother is "great-grandmother" and great-grandfather is "great-great-grandfather. How is this possible? Of course, I don't think that the qualities and energies that our ancestors had will show up in exactly the same way in all of their descendants, but I do think that they will show up in some places.

This is a little different from history, but my ancestors were samurai and had a family name, but at some point they changed it to something else. Samurai in the Edo period basically kept their surnames from before the Warring States period, but it was not uncommon for them to change their surnames to reflect their achievements or to take into account their surroundings due to circumstances unique to samurai society. Several hundred years later, my sister married someone with the same surname as her samurai ancestor before he changed his surname and returned to his ancestor's surname. She did not consciously marry someone with that surname, but as soon as she met him, the marriage was already in the works, and she ended up marrying him. And although it is not an extremely rare surname, it is not an extremely common surname either. And my sister and her husband look so much alike that I think they might be brother and sister. That is also strange. Before my children were born, before their souls were born, they contacted me many times and jokingly said things like, "Don't tell me that someone who was an ancestor is not trying to be reborn in this family again? I was joking with them, but it would be interesting if that were the case.

I also heard other stories, such as a man I met in an izakaya bar in Tokyo, or a woman I met on a dating app who lives in Tokyo, who was from the same town in Yamanashi or Kumamoto Prefecture where my father's ancestors lived, or someone completely different from my sister's story who happened to marry a woman with the same surname as my maternal ancestors.

As you know, there are a lot of people in Tokyo. And there are not only many people from Yamanashi Prefecture. With people from so many different prefectures, it is not easy to find and meet someone who grew up in a place related to your ancestors. Destiny is a strange thing, isn't it?

I have mentioned that sometimes marriages seem to express the qualities and energies of ancestors from generations past, but sometimes we unconsciously inherit negative patterns from those who are more closely related to us than our ancestors.

More on this in the next issue.

Have a good day, everyone!


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