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トラさんのこと祈ります / I can only pray for him.

▼ The English text is at the bottom of the page.




それで私は、Tさんに遠隔で祈りと、ささやかながらヒーリングを送りました。それがTさんにどんな効果を与えるかは、私の知ったことではありません。どちらかというと、祈りとしてそうしたい気持ちがあったからという感じです。ここだけ切り取って語ってしまえば「スピ系の ”退いてしまうような話”」として捉えられてしまいそうですが、そもそも私の職業は「サイキックヒーラー」ですから。






This morning, I woke up startled by a push notification from *The Guardian* (web edition). It read that Mr. T had been shot during a speech in Pennsylvania. I immediately checked Fox News, where I found footage of the moments leading up to, during, and just after the incident.

The bullet struck his ear, which is dangerously close to the brain. Just a few centimeters further inward, it could have been fatal. Seeing Mr. T lift his arm to show he was okay, shielded by the Secret Service, made me think, “There’s truly no one else like him. May he continue to be protected!” I didn’t cry, but the whole event hit me hard.

The year 2024 is packed with elections worldwide, and among them, the U.S. presidential election has drawn unprecedented global attention. With the end of the petrodollar era, BRICS’ shift from the dollar, and recent moves by President B, the U.S. seems to be losing its role as a global leader. Who becomes the next U.S. president could not only reshape the future of America but also have a major impact on other nations, especially Japan as a close ally. It’s understandable that so many people were shocked by an assassination attempt during such a high-stakes election season.

In response, I sent a distant prayer and a small amount of healing energy to Mr. T. I don’t pretend to know if it made a difference—it just felt like the right thing to do, as an expression of prayer. I realize it may sound a bit "out there" to some, but as a psychic healer by profession, it's part of who I am.

I might be rambling here, but I think even without a psychic’s “second sight,” anyone could tell that Mr. T carries a huge and important mission. He was born with a purpose connected to the United States, and that’s clear to me.

Originally, Mr. T was a businessman, and his ancestors seem to carry a powerful, resilient energy—a willingness to take risks and push for growth. That tough spirit feels deeply embedded in him, and it’s why he’s someone America truly needs now and in the future. I believe his role this time around, if he’s elected, will differ from his previous presidency and will help the country undergo a significant transformation. That’s why I hope he wins the election.

Every time I see him in the media, I silently urge, “Please stay safe.” From now on, I’ll be hoping even more fervently that he finds success and safety without sacrificing anything truly precious along the way.



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