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ほんの一瞬、想像したら / If you imagine, for a split.

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「ニューカッスル VS 浦和レッズの試合のチケット、Jリーグからもらえるんだけど、行きたい?」…と。(↑浦和ではなく横浜Fマリノスの書き間違えです)







The other day, I found myself daydreaming:

“What if I ever moved to London? I’d bring my beloved car with me from Japan and drive it all the way up to Newcastle to watch a football match.”

As I imagined this, I pictured myself gripping the steering wheel, driving along the British highways. The scene that came to mind was a gentle curve lined with trees. I could see the emblem at the center of my steering wheel and a glimpse of my car’s sleek black hood as I navigated the road.

From London to Newcastle, it’s about 450 kilometers—a good road trip.

The UK, like Japan, drives on the left side of the road with right-hand-drive cars, which is what gave me this idea in the first place. My car's manufacturer announced that this model would be their last turbo-engine model, so I plan to enjoy it for as long as possible.

About five days after that fleeting daydream, a face suddenly popped into my head: MT, a Newcastle player. I hadn’t been thinking about MT or anything related to him; his face just appeared out of nowhere.

I wondered to myself, *“Is MT spending the off-season with his wife in Paris again?* (I saw them there on Instagram a couple of years ago.) *I doubt he’d be interested in Japan or Asia in general, but could he ever come to Japan?”*

Then I imagined MT coming to Japan, stepping off a team bus in his Newcastle uniform. It felt less like I was imagining it and more like the vision appeared on its own.

Let me explain: I’m actually a huge fan of Aston Villa. MT used to play for Aston Villa and was a key player there. Birmingham, where Aston Villa is based, has a reputation for being a bit rough, so I plan to take the train there rather than risk anything happening to my car. But Newcastle has become my second favorite team.

(Side note: I’ve noticed that some spiritual people seem to dislike car enthusiasts, and frankly, I don’t appreciate that attitude. Hey, to each their own! Hobbies are personal, and for me, driving my sports car is a way to keep my energy flowing and balanced.)

That night, while I was thinking about all this, my husband messaged me from work:

“I can get tickets from J.League for the Newcastle vs. Urawa Reds game. Would you like to go?” (Turns out he meant Yokohama F. Marinos, not Urawa!)

Newcastle was coming to Japan to play a match at the National Stadium in August. When he told me, I’d actually forgotten about the daydream I’d had five days earlier.

Thinking, *“The usual starting lineup players probably won’t come to Japan,”* I checked the roster online anyway. To my surprise, most of their star players were indeed coming, including MT. It felt like my higher self had shown me MT’s face for a reason! The thought of watching these players live—a dream come true!

That’s when I remembered my little daydream about driving to Newcastle to see a game. And suddenly, I understood why MT’s face had popped into my head. It all came together—though it wasn’t Newcastle, I’d be driving my car to Aoyama and Omotesando to see Newcastle play.

It’s incredible how something I’d vaguely imagined came true within just five days.

Sometimes, what you attract comes to you in the most unexpected ways.



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